Jane's Memories

 From Jane Porter's Diary

These two years in Africa have been fantastic: I have discovered a lot of things about animals (gorillas in particular) and have turned my life upside down for the better. The constant contact with nature, being immersed in such a wild and uncontaminated world is exciting. And then ... I met the love of my life, Tarzan.
Yet they have not always been all fun and games. There were difficult and painful moments when I seriously risked losing my life. I think it is right to remember them too. In particular, there are three episodes that have marked me.


We talk about more than a year ago. I was further away from the base than usual. I was following a family of baboons. I was in an area never seen before. Suddenly I felt myself sinking: I had ended up in quicksand. I tried to get out of it, but the more I struggled, the deeper I sank. In the end I was now resigned to death. But to be honest, even if I am ashamed to say it, I found the situation somewhat horny. I began to touch myself all over and sprinkle mud on my breasts. In full orgasm I heard Tarzan's scream: his sixth sense had suggested that I was in peril. His mighty arms gripped me and pulled me out of the sand. We had great sex that night.

jane tarzan in peril


The second episode was certainly more traumatic. I felt only pain and no arousal. I don't remember where I was. I was attacked by a large, not to mention huge, snake. He wrapped me in its mighty coils and held me tight. I almost felt like every bone of mine was breaking. A stabbing pain. I tried to resist. I started screaming in pain. When it seemed my time had come, Tarzan rushed back to rescue me. He later told me that a toucan friend of his had flown to him to warn him.

jane squeezed by snake

Polls: What character would you like to see in peril? Write it in the comments section!(There was a problem: comments didn't appear.Now I should have fixed it)


About two months ago. As my usual I was lost. Unfortunately I was lost in the wrong place. In fact, I ended up in the territory of a tribe of savages: the mykays. I remember I was drawing an unusual plant in my notebook when I felt a kind of pinch on my shoulder. Then it was all black. I woke up I don't know how long after. I was tied around my wrists and suspended over a river bed. My breasts were naked. On the banks it was full of members of the tribe. Men, women, children: everyone was looking at me. I assumed it was some form of sacrifice to the gods. And apparently the sacrifice was me. I began to imagine how they would kill me. Hit by an arrow? Slaughtered? Skewered by a sword? Then I noticed that a piece of cloth was tied around my ankle and fell into the water. I took a good look. The water was full of eels. They were really very big, they looked like the legendary electric eels. No one had ever seen them before. They were believed to be a myth. I was the first lucky one who could target them live. I was also probably the first unfortunate to test the power of their electroshock. One of them bit into the strip of cloth and struck me. I felt an indescribable, excruciating, unbearable pain. I was screaming in despair. I felt my body burning, my skin falling apart. This time it was actually like the end. But my guardian angel was there again to watch over me. Tarzan, armed with a blade, cut the rope to which I was tied and once again led me to safety, putting an end to that inhuman torture.

jane electrocution ryona
Jane in Distress

Polls: What character would you like to see in peril? Write it in the comments section!(There was a problem: comments didn't appear.Now I should have fixed it)

If you are interested in commissions send me a mail at amabelbeerens@gmail.com

Note: The materials displayed above are just fantasies. All the characters are the intellectual property of their owners and hereby used solely for the purpose of fan-based fiction and artistic expression. This blog is absolutely against all forms of violence and harassment.



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